ARLD's latest patent, entitled "Center-side method of producing superhydrophobic surface" was issued on June 5, 2018. U.S. patent 9,987,818, invented by Alan Lyons and Qianfeng Xu, is the company's third issued patent for superhydrophobic technologies.
ARLD in collaboration with CUNY and NREL wins BAPVC's DuraMAT funding through DOE
ARLD, in collaboration with the City University of New York (CUNY) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has been awarded a Durable Module Materials—Consortium (DuraMAT) grant through the Bay Area PhotoVoltaic Consortium (BAPVC), funded by the Department of Energy, for research into "A Hybrid Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Coating with Combined Anti-Reflective and Anti-Soiling Properties". Professor Alan Lyons’ lab at CUNY’s College of Staten Island will be the PI and coordinate work with ARLD and NREL.
ARLD CTO Alan Lyons invited to present at 2017 Int'l. PV Soiling Workshop
CTO Professor Alan Lyons will be presenting ARLD's anti-reflective and anti-soiling KleanBoost™ surface for solar cover glass at the 2017 International PV Soiling Workshop in Dubai, UAE. The meeting is organized by Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA) Research and Development Centre in collaboration with the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and will be held October 23-25, 2017.
Illya Nayshevsky wins Best Student Paper for KleanBoost™ research at IEEE PV Conference
CUNY Ph.D student Illya Nayshevsky won the Best Student Paper in Area 9: Soiling at the IEEE PVSC conference in Washington DC for "Anti-reflective and anti-soiling properties of a KleanBoost™, a superhydrophobic nano-textured coating for solar glass". Co-authors on this paper include: Gil Barahman (CUNY undergraduate at the College of Staten Island, Dr. QianFeng Xu of ARLD and Professor Alan Lyons. The research was done in collaboration with ARLD and funded in part by the NSF I/UCRC Center for MetaMaterials.
ARLD is winner of SunRISE TechBridge Challenge
ARLD is one of five early-stage companies announced as winners of the SunRISE TechBridge Challenge, which was designed to identify innovations in solar materials and technologies to reduce the levelized cost of energy for photovoltaic systems. The SunRISE TechBridge Challenge is a collaboration between Royal DSM , Fraunhofer TechBridge and Greentown Labs.
Details can be found at:
ARLD nano-droplet research is published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
ARLD's research into nanofluid dispensing has unveiled an ultra-sensitive approach to identifying the active biomolecules in animal venom. These complex mixtures are known to be promising sources of new drugs, but techniques for identifying and isolating the active molecules that target specific cell sites are limited and require relatively large amounts of these rare materials.
ARLD scientists, in collaboration with CUNY professor Dr. Sebastien Poget, demonstrated a surface-engineered dispensing technique that precisely manipulates nanoliter droplets of precious venom and identifies rare biomolecules that may lead to effective new drugs. This research was published in the article "High-Precision Dispensing of Nanoliter Biofluids on Glass Pedestal Arrays for Ultrasensitive Biomolecule Detection" in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces and can be found at:
ARLD wins TechConnect National Innovation Award for second year in a row
ARLD's Anchored Immersion Microplate Lids for 3D Cell Culture have been recognized as a 2016 TechConnect National Innovation Awardee, to be presented at next month's TechConnect-National Innovation Summit, Washington, D.C.
The Anchored Immersion Microplate Lid technology will be featured in ARLD's booth #49 at the TechConnect Innovation Showcase & Expo on Tuesday, May 24th:
PCCI of New Jersey hosts ARL Designs at dinner meeting
ARL Designs, LLC, makers of the Anchored Immersion Microplate (AIM) Lid will present to PCCI of NJ. The presentation will be Tuesday evening, March 29, 2016 at The Park Avenue Club, Florham Park, New Jersey. PCCI provides complimentary executive level consulting services to help early-stage life sciences companies to succeed. Meetings are tailored to provide guest startups with advice on their particular business questions and concerns. This is not Shark Tank. The forum prepares companies for a "Shark Tank." The evening's agenda is below.
6:30 - Cocktails, Dinner and Networking
8:00 - Alan M. Lyons, CTO of ARL Designs, LLC will deliver the Company's "Elevator" pitch to the group
8:20 - A Panel will address Major Issues for the Company*
9:00 - Open discussion: members and guests
* ARLD has asked:
- How best to define the market size and opportunity, including timing of market entry?
- What are the pros and cons of engaging with a channel partner vs. selling directly?
- At what point is it best for us to bring in investors?
For more information contact Dean M Martyniak, | (201) 390-1782
Two talks on AIM lids at TechConnect World 2016
Anchored Immersion Microplate Lids for 3D Cell Culture, will be showcased at this year's National Innovation Summit & Expo. The business case will be discussed on Wednesday, May 25, 8:30-10:00; Session Focus Area: "Biotech, Pharma" The Innovation competition received hundreds of submissions, with less than 20% accepted for an oral presentation.
The technical talk: nano Droplet Array Plates (nDAPs): 3D Cell Culture in Anchored Hydrogel Droplets Compatible with Conventional Microplates, will be presented at Nanotech 2016 Conference and Expo held simultaneously with the National Innovation Summit. The podium presentation is 11:40 AM, Tuesday, May 24th, biofluidics session.
Both conferences will run May 23-25, 2016 at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, just across the Potomac river from Washington, D.C.
KleanBoost at NREL's PV Module Reliability Workshop
Close to 40% of the new electric capacity being installed in the US is solar. Most of the solar installations are backed by private financing which has lead to a keen interest in long-term performance and reliability of PV modules. To discuss reliability solar panel manufacturers, major supplier, bankers, and third party test and evaluation firms met for a 3-day meeting hosted by the US Department of Energy's National Renewal Energy Laboratory (NREL). About 120 professionals attended NREL's photovoltaic module reliability workshop. The workshop was held in near NREL in Golden, Colorado. KleanBoost data was presented as part of the soiling breakout session. The soiling session follows up work the PV Quality Assurance Taskforce (PVQAT) is doing to lay the groundwork for standards to measure soiling rates and anti-soiling propensity. Corning, Enki Tech, Fraunhofer ISE, NREL, DSM and many others took part.
KleanBoost samples will be included in DOE's SunShot National Laboratory Multiyear Partnership (SuNLaMP) program.
nDAP Pilot at Public Health Research Institute
Rutgers University's Public Health Research Institute is the site of an ARL Designs pilot aimed at producing a diagnostic device at a fraction of the cost of current assays.
SLAS 2016 - Debut of ARLD's nDAP system and AIM Lids For 3D cell culture
Alan Lyons will be speaking at the annual meeting of the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS2016) in their Digital and Droplet Microfluidics symposium. Dr. Lyon’s talk: Nano-Droplet Array Plates (nDAPs): Detection of IFNγ-expressing Cells in Circulating PBMCs Immobilized in Nano-gel Arrays was presented Monday, January 25. For details see:
ARLD débuted the Anchored Immersion Microplate (AIM) Lid at the trade show. Next opportunity for a demo:
The Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) is an international community of more than 15,000 individual scientists, engineers, researchers, technologists and others from academic, government and commercial laboratories. The SLAS mission is to be the preeminent global organization providing forums for education and information exchange and to encourage the study of, and improve the practice of laboratory science and technology.
ARL Designs joins CUNY iHUB
City University of New York has launched a Hub for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, located at 215 W 125th St, NYC. ARL Designs is pleased to have signed an agreement making us one of their first incubation program participants. Conference room space is equipped with state-of-the-art communications equipment allowing us to host face-to-face meetings with international webconferencing.
ARL Designs at National Innovation Summit Showcase June 2015
All of us at ARL Designs wish to thank those that visited our booth at the Innovation Showcase on Monday, June 15th and attended our talks and poster session.
You are welcome to contact us for copies of the papers published in the proceedings.
ElabNYC Pitch Day
Alan Lyons, CTO of ARL Designs, was first to the podium at ElabNYC 2015 Pitch Day April 2nd at Microsoft, 825 8th Avenue, Manhattan.
Pitch Day represents a culmination of the ELabNYC program efforts over the course of 12 months including extensive outreach, applicant screening, curriculum training, coaching and mentorship. Twenty life sciences startups presented from 8:30AM - 1pm to a community of investors, entrepreneurs, mentors and leading stakeholders. For more information see:
This was the third pitch day for the NYCEDC sponsored Bio & Health Tech Entrepreneurship Lab NYC (ELabNYC), a training and mentorship program for aspiring entrepreneurs in New York City’s life sciences and healthcare community. Elab is run by Design Technologies and the Elab team.
National Innovation Summit selects Transparent, Superhydrophobic Coating for Oral Presentation
The National Innovation Summit received hundreds of submissions to the 2015 program but only 15% were accepted for an oral opportunity at the conference. ARL Designs was one of those selected and will be presenting the technology and business case for An Anti-reflective and Anti-Soiling Coating for Glass. Our presentation will take place during the Energy & Efficiency session, between 1:30-3:00, Tuesday, June 16th. For a product demonstration, please visit us at booth 46M at the evening Showcase.
TechConnect World Innovation Summit & Expo is co-located with the National Innovation Summit, June 15-17, just outside Washington, D.C., at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, MD. ARL Designs will be well represented at the conference. At Wednesday morning's Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Surface Applications session, ARL Designs will give a paper: An Anti-reflective and Anti-Soiling Coating for Photovoltaic Panels. Later that afternoon, we will present two posters: Superhydrophobic Thermoset Elastomers with Excellent Stability to Rain Erosion and Water Immersion and Increased Heat Transfer through Dropwise Condensation on a Bio-inspired Superhydrophobic-Hydrophilic Surface
CleanTech Scholar Publicized
CUNY CleanTech Scholar - Yuanyuan Zhao who is an intern at ARL Designs, provided design verification and reliability testing of nanotextured polymer films for solar panels. Her work focused specifically on measuring the optical transmission and reflectivity of the films and quantifying the reliability of the films by measuring the ice repellency as well as the self-cleaning properties of the film surfaces. Zhao's work has aimed at improving the electrical output of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels.
Global 1000 Conference to Showcase ARLD Transparent Material
ARL Designs' innovation - Anti-reflective & Self-cleaning Glass Coatings - has been accepted to the Global 1000 startup conference. The National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer will run the two day conference March 11th and 12th in Washington, D.C. The coatings enhance the solar harvest of photovoltaic panels and the effectiveness of Lidar systems by shedding dust, ice and snow.
ARL Designs Team Accepted into ElabNYC
Xiaoxiao Chen, Alan Lyons and Beth Kujan have been offered admission to the Entrepreneurship Lab NYC 2015 program. The Bio & Health Tech Entrepreneurship Lab NYC (ElabNYC) is a prestigious 6-month training and mentorship program for aspiring entrepreneurs in New York City’s life sciences and healthcare technology community. Run by the New York City Economic Development Corporation, and led by a team of experienced entrepreneurs, the Lab is designed to define a clear path for NYC’s entrepreneurially-minded scientists to launch commercial ventures based in the city of New York.
Admission to the ElabNYC program is very competitive, but once accepted, the program offers life science entrepreneurs the opportunity to interact face to face with some of the world’s best lawyers, venture capitalists, private philanthropists, medical clinics and nonprofit foundations. The program features a mini-MBA curriculum, expert coaching, pitch preparation support, team building activities and access to a community of seasoned entrepreneurs and mentors. ARL Designs LLC located on Staten Island is proud to be part of the new cohort.
ARL Designs to Join PVQAT Working Groups
The problem of soiling of photovoltaic cells is gaining international attention. A global initiative sponsored by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the US and by the Électricité de France’s renewable energy laboratory in Europe (EDF Energie Novelles), is being launched under the umbrella of the International Photovoltaic Quality Assurance Task Force (PVQAT). The initiative is called the PVQAT Soiling Collaborative.
PVQAT (“PV-Cat”) develops standards and provides comparative information about the reliability of photovoltaic modules under different conditions, with the goal of giving solar customers data to improve the accuracy of quantitative PV lifetime predictions in real-world environments. ARLD has volunteered for two committees: anti-soiling coatings and durability testing.