Close to 40% of the new electric capacity being installed in the US is solar. Most of the solar installations are backed by private financing which has lead to a keen interest in long-term performance and reliability of PV modules. To discuss reliability solar panel manufacturers, major supplier, bankers, and third party test and evaluation firms met for a 3-day meeting hosted by the US Department of Energy's National Renewal Energy Laboratory (NREL). About 120 professionals attended NREL's photovoltaic module reliability workshop. The workshop was held in near NREL in Golden, Colorado. KleanBoost data was presented as part of the soiling breakout session. The soiling session follows up work the PV Quality Assurance Taskforce (PVQAT) is doing to lay the groundwork for standards to measure soiling rates and anti-soiling propensity. Corning, Enki Tech, Fraunhofer ISE, NREL, DSM and many others took part.
KleanBoost samples will be included in DOE's SunShot National Laboratory Multiyear Partnership (SuNLaMP) program.